Can Dogs Eat Mangoes?
We know that your furry friend loves eating everything you do. We also know that it’s hard to say no to those lovely eyes when your dog comes to beg for a bite of your meal. If your pet has been casting longing glances at mangoes, you might be asking yourself, can dogs eat mangoes safely?
Mangoes are juicy stone fruits that grow on tropical trees. There are over 50 different types of mango, and it is one of the most widely cultivated tropical fruits in the world.
Thanks to its amazing taste, we love mango in our drinks, sweets, salads, side dishes, as well as raw.
In the past decade, the popularity of this fruit grew like never before, partially thanks to the popularization of a raw diet, and partly thanks to its numerous health benefits.
Can a Dog Eat Mango Safely?
When you think about mangoes, you probably first remember just how sweet and refreshing this exotic fruit is. Heavenly-tasting and succulent, this is one of the healthiest fruits in the world.
For humans, mangoes are a recommended addition to a healthy diet and an amazing refreshment on a hot day.
So when we’re eating this tasty fruit, and our furry friends are looking at us and pleading for a bite – should we give it to them? We checked with experts, and the answer is a resounding yes!
You can clean a mango’s pit and skin, and serve the flesh to your dog as a treat.
You can share this vitamin and mineral bomb with your dog freely. However, according to vets, sharing a bite every once in a while and making mangoes a part of your pooch’s diet are two completely different things.
Read on; we’ll explain everything.
Are There Any Toxic Parts That Should Be Avoided?

Before you start giving this super fruit to your dog, you need to be aware of its dangerous parts.
The Pit
And no, a very small amount of cyanide won’t kill your dog. However, cyanide buildup in a dog’s organism can lead to severe side effects and serious health problems.
But, hold your horses, don’t start panicking just yet. According to a 2011 study, mango seeds don’t contain anything toxic. Now, although this study claims that seeds aren’t dangerous for humans, the same doesn’t have to stay true for dogs.If your dog eats a mango with seeds, they can become stuck in the esophagus, and cause your dog to start coughing. Also, the seeds can get stuck in the intestine and cause lethargy, stool changes, abnormal appetite, and thirst.
If you notice any of these issues after your dog has eaten a mango, you should visit your vet right away. The more you wait, the more serious the issue may become. If the pit stays in for a longer period of time, it can block your pet’s digestive system, which can be fatal.
We know that the man’s best friend sometimes has a tendency to eat everything in sight. Whether you leave a piece of meat, a carrot, or a slipper unattended, your furry friend is likely to try and chew it.
So if you leave the pit out in the open, your dog might start chewing it, which in turn, can cause significant tooth damage.
The simplest way to avoid these problems is to simply take out mango seeds and dispose of them before you give this fruit to your furry friend. It will only take you a minute while potentially saving your dog from health issues.
The Skin
Just like mango pits, the skin of this fruit can also get stuck in your pet’s intestinal tract and cause the same issues as we mentioned above.
That’s simply due to the fact that a dog’s digestive system can’t digest it as easily as other foods. Dogs don’t chew their food very much, so they can eat mango skin in large pieces.
Another reason mango skin isn’t good for dogs lies in the fact that it can cause an allergic reaction. That is due to a compound called Urushiol. That same compound exists in poison ivy and poison oak, and it can cause a skin rash and itching.
Are There Any Side Effects That Will Come If Your Dog Eats Mango?

Although mangoes aren’t unhealthy, some dogs may have a negative reaction to it. If you separate the above mentioned toxic parts and just give your dog the flesh of this fruit, you still aren’t in the clear.
Just like every human being is different, so is every dog. Some dogs don’t have any reaction to eating mango flesh, while others can get diarrhea.
Mangoes are rich in fiber, which can, on the one hand, help with constipation, and on the other hand, cause diarrhea.
So, when you give your dog mango, monitor its stool. If there are no changes within 48 hours, your dog can consume it freely.
Also, make sure to take into account your dog’s size. If you have a smaller dog, it can eat a few slices per day safely. If you have a larger dog, it can eat a whole mango or even two without it being an issue.
What Are The Benefits Of Mango For Your Dog?

Mangoes aren’t just tasty, and they aren’t just healthy for us humans.
Your dog’s health can also benefit from this exotic fruit. That is, after you peel off the skin and remove the pit.
If you’re worried that dog food doesn’t contain enough minerals or vitamins, mangoes can be a significant addition to your pooch’s diet. They are rich in minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium, as well as vitamins C, A, E, K, and B6.
Vitamin A that mangoes are rich in is crucial for eye, bone, and skin health. That means that mangoes can help cure skin conditions, improve your dog’s coat, and help your pet see more clearly.
High content of polyphenols and flavonoids makes mangoes effective in fighting cancer cells, according to one research from 2014.
As we’ve mentioned, mangoes are rich in fiber. Regular fiber intake can lower blood pressure and cholesterol. It can also help protect your pet from heart diseases and strokes.
Rich in Vitamin B6 and glutamine acid, mangoes can boost neurotransmitter function in the brain. As a result, your dog’s memory and focus may improve.
Mango is rich in nutrients and antioxidants which can boost your pet’s immune system. It is also full of vitamin C, carotenoids, and flavonoids that are all crucial for a healthy immune system.
This fruit can help normalize insulin levels in your dog’s body. That is relevant for both treating and preventing diabetes in dogs.
In the End
So, can dogs eat mango?
As long as you pay attention and give your dog only the flesh of a mango that doesn’t have any negative effects on your pet’s health, the answer is definitely yes. Just don’t overdo it, and your pet will be able to enjoy this delicious fruit at least as much as you do.
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