12 Best Low Maintenance Dog Breeds for First-Time Owners

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Is this your first time getting a dog? Are you looking to learn about the best low maintenance dogs?

If you are reading this, chances are you’ll answer both of these questions with a “Yes.” As a potential first-time owner, you must feel overwhelmed by all the available information on dogs.

But, do not despair! This article will provide a list of breeds that are easiest to handle when you have little to no experience.

The Meaning Behind ‘Low Maintenance’

It is very important that you answer a few questions before you actually start looking for a dog. Ask yourself:

  • How big should my dog be?
  • ​Do I want a dog that I can train easily?
  • Do I want my dog to be friendly to children and the elderly?
  • Am I willing to clean my dog’s shedding hair?
  • How active of a dog can I handle?

Answering these will help you find your own definition of ‘low maintenance’, and that’s the first step to picking out the perfect dog for you.

​Our Rating System

We created a simple yet informative rating system that you can use as a basic reference while choosing.

Every dog breed is rated 1 - 5 based on the following criteria:

  • check
    Trainability  (i.e., how easy/difficult it is to teach your dog basic commands)
  • Friendliness (i.e., how well they get along with strangers and other dogs)
  • Good with Children (i.e., how well they react to kids being around)
  • check
    Groomed Easily (i.e., how often and how much they shed, how often they need a groomer)
  • check
    Energy Levels (i.e., how active or inactive they are during the day; the lower the rating, the lazier the dog)
  • check
    Okay If Left Alone (i.e., how much attention and social contact they require)

We suggest that you take these criteria and compare it to your own answers to questions from the previous section. Those two together will give you a rough idea of the kind of dog you’re looking for.

The Lists

You probably wonder why we used the plural in the subtitle.  We did that for a very simple reason - to ease your search.

In this section, we categorized low maintenance dogs based on their size. The categories are as follows:

  • check
    Small Low Maintenance Dogs
  • Medium Low Maintenance Dogs
  • Large Low Maintenance Dogs

If you already know how big you want your dog to be, just skip directly to the corresponding list. If not, read through all three lists and find out more about the best low maintenance dogs.

Please, note that we organized the breeds in each category to appear in the alphabetical order.

Small Low Maintenance Dogs

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel






Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


Cavalier Spaniels are well-known for being bundles of love. These are extremely gentle dogs and they love interacting with everyone.

Not only do they make people smile at every turn but they are also very easy to train. You will not need to scold them at all - as long as you have a lot of treats and a positive attitude.

In general, raising your voice at Cavaliers would be a sin. Unless you want them to run and hide.

These dogs get very attached to their owners. They do not like being on their own, so they would make for perfect companions in any situation.

Italian Greyhound






Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


Italian Greyhounds are probably the most athletic dogs on this list. They do love to run around, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be calm.

They also love taking naps. Regardless of your expectations, you’ll find them incredibly calm and quiet at home.

Outside, however, they turn into proper little hunting hounds. Keep them on a leash if you don’t want to run after them every time they see a prey-like animal.

Italian Greyhounds feel most confident at home. Outside, they can display shy behavior, especially around strangers.

These dogs are extremely opinionated, which may be a problem if you try to train them. However, avoid raising your voice at them - you will only achieve the opposite effect.







Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


If Cavaliers are the bundles of joy of the dog world, then pugs are the bundles of laughter.

Out of all the dog breeds out there, the pug is definitely the most unique one. People just can’t stay serious around these dogs’ silly faces.

Pugs love adventures, but they will stay out of serious trouble. You can’t really call them the most energetic dogs ever, but they will keep up with you in a playful manner.

One possible downside to getting a pug is that they tend to shed a lot. But, if you’re willing to vacuum after them and brush them often, it shouldn’t be a problem.

Their most unique feature - their face - will require special care, too. You’ll have to clean their wrinkles regularly, every 4 to 6 weeks.

Their face structure also doesn’t allow them to properly regulate their body temperature so be careful of leaving them in very hot or cold temperatures as it can lead to serious health problems.

Speaking of their faces, you should know that pugs breathe very loudly. They snort and wheeze all the time due to the structure of their faces.

Toy Poodle






Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


Poodles are considered not only the cutest but also one of the smartest dog species. Therefore, they are very easy to train - and they will love every minute of it.

Since they really enjoy learning new things, poodles are actually very athletic. They will require daily exercise to use up some of that energy while young.

You’ll have to set some strict rules if you don’t want your poodle to get into trouble often. By “trouble”, we mean running around aimlessly, digging up dirt, getting aggressive, etc.

As far as their grooming is concerned, poodles don’t shed that much. However, their fluffy hair will require a groomer’s attention every once in a while - approximately once every 4 to 6 weeks.

​Medium Low Maintenance Dogs

Basset Hound






Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


Dubbed as most families’ favorite breed, Basset Hounds are highly loyal to their owners. Their adorable flapping ears will make every family member fall in love with them.

Although painfully adorable, these dogs tend to be stubborn. When it comes to training, the only way to get them to do as told is amazing treats.

In general, you will never get your way with Basset Hounds by scolding them. They will simply ignore your attempts at asserting control that way.

On the other hand, if you are lazy and you want a dog to match your personality, then look no further. Basset Hounds are always happier to take a nap than go for a walk or, God forbid, a run.

They don’t like staying alone for long, so make sure you don’t do it to them. Basset Hounds will complain - loudly.

Shedding can be a real problem with this breed - be ready to brush them often.







Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


Meet the most adorable attention seekers ever. Beagles should be your choice if you’re looking for a loyal, loving, and playful companion.

Cute as they might be, Beagles are prone to displays of bad behavior. That’s why you will have to invest a lot of time and energy into training them.

Mind you, they are very stubborn, and they hate being alone. If you leave them on their own, you can expect them to chew on your favorite things.

Once trained, however, Beagles become the most adaptable dogs in the world. They will gladly join in on any of your activities - as long as they don’t feel left out.

Cocker Spaniel






Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


If you want a dog that will inspire positive behavior in you, then stop right here. Cocker Spaniels are big-hearted, calm dogs that will win you over in a second.

Their intelligence is outstanding, and they will surely achieve impressive results in training. Just don’t be negative around them - it could nearly literally break their hearts.

As they are always up for a challenge and an adventure, Cocker Spaniels are sure to follow you wherever you go. To avoid yet another heartbreak - and a barking fit - don’t leave them alone for too long.

At first glance, you will probably fall in love with their silky coat. But, remember that it will require daily brushing and monthly visits to a groomer.

Standard Dachshund






Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


Standard Dachshunds are perfect couch potato companions. These affectionate dogs just love napping whenever they can.

However, they can be very active - and noisy - around their family. They are fearless, and they will prove it by barking at anything that seems even remotely threatening.

It’s a good idea to channel all that energy into some training. They will be stubborn, so don’t insist on potty training them - just let them out into the backyard.

Aside from occasionally being obstinate, Standard Dachshunds are highly adaptable to their owner’s lifestyle. Whether you want to go for a jog or sleep in, your Dachshund will be right there with you.

​Large Low Maintenance Dogs







Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


Yes, you read that right. Despite being the fastest breed in the world, Greyhounds fall under the category of low maintenance.

Indeed, they love a good run, and they need a daily exercise routine. But these dogs also adore taking naps and just hanging out with their owners.

Greyhounds are very intelligent so training will be a joy.

One huge plus, if you live in a crowded neighborhood, is that Greyhounds almost never bark. We say almost never because they do tend to get vocal if you leave them alone for a long time.

A downside to bringing a Greyhound to a busy neighborhood is that they can be nervous around strangers. But, if their new canine friends like running - they will be instant friends.

Although having a pet that loves dashing around can be amusing, remember to keep your Greyhound on a leash. If you’re keeping a Greyhound in the backyard, consider a taller fence - they can also jump high.

Golden Retriever






Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


The forever-child of the dog world, the Golden Retriever, is willing to be your BFF from now to eternity. They form an instant bond with everyone they meet, and that’s probably why they are often trained as service dogs.

Their reliability and intelligence make them a worthy asset in a home full of children. They do, however, require careful training.

Regularly tiring out your Golden Retriever is the only sure way to keep it out of trouble. If you fail to do that, you’ll have them bouncing off the walls, probably followed by your children.

Never ever leave a Golden Retriever behind when going on a family outing. They will feel abandoned and heart-broken.

To keep this dog clean, you’ll have to brush them daily. You will also have to get accustomed to being a regular customer at your local groomer’s.

Labrador Retriever






Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


Labradors are the ultimate family dogs. The love that they will offer to their owners will be unconditional and uncompromising. 

They are so positive that they are sure to befriend even the grumpiest people. Their inherent friendliness makes them perfect for families with small children.

Labradors feel a deep need to please their owners so they will be easy to train to an extent. They can get overly excited, though, so you’ll have to handle their distractions with a lot of patience.

We’re not going to lie - Labradors shed a whole bunch. You’ll need a good brush, and a lot of patience for removing hairballs from, well… everywhere.

Don’t let your Labrador get bored. To avoid them becoming destructive, come up with new mental and physical challenges for them on a daily basis.

That does mean you will probably never be able to skip your morning jog again. But, the affection you will get in return is worth it.  

Standard Poodle






Good with Children


Groomed Easily


Energy Levels


Okay If Left Alone


Standard Poodles are one of the most superb canines in the world. They epitomize all the qualities you want in a dog - superb intelligence, athleticism, elegance and strength.

It will be a pure joy to train a Standard Poodle. With their intelligence and their need to please their owner, they are sure to master any skill you teach them.

Don’t let their frail built fool you - these dogs are born to run and exercise. Regular physical activity and frequent mental stimulation will curb their energy.

One thing that negatively affects Standard Poodles’ ‘low maintenance’ status is their haircut. These dogs’ health actually depends on them getting frequent and extensive grooming.

A Few Afterthoughts

So, you’ve reached the end of this article. Was it useful?

Please keep in mind that the facts we gave you are not rules written in stone. Every dog is unique.

Ultimately, when choosing a dog for the first time, you should pay attention to its individual personality.

We did our best to provide as much information on the best low maintenance dogs as we could. We hope we helped.

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