The 23 Worst Shedding Dogs


There are dog breeds which shed once a year, and even those that don’t shed at all. But there are also breeds which are known for being the worst shedding dogs – which is what we’re going to discuss today.

Most of us have at some point been concerned about our pup’s shedding. Where is all that extra hair even coming from? Could it be that your dog is 95% fur?

We’re here to set you at ease. Some dog breeds simply shed more than others – and here’s a list of breeds that are more prone to shedding.

Top 23 Worst Shedding Dogs

1. Newfoundland Dogs


One of the worst shedding dogs you’ll ever come across is this drooling giant breed. Newfoundlanders have incredibly thick, and long, black double coats which shed profusely year-round.

You’ll be able to manage the shedding if you brush the dog regularly. Luckily, Newfoundlanders are pretty okay with spending long periods of time just relaxing while you do your thing.

The breed’s distinctive droopy jowls make it impossible for Newfoundlander owners to stop their dogs from drooling, though. So, you might as well get used to that.

2. Chow Chow


Of course, we couldn't make this list without mentioning the Chow Chow Breed​. Any time a dog is that fluffy, it’s safe to assume that it requires a lot of upkeep – and this one certainly does.

Not only do Chow Chows shed their reddish locks fairly regularly, but they also require monthly baths. Their coats remain thick no matter how much brushing or shedding there is, so expect to have to perform regular flea and tick exams as well!

3. Alaskan Malamute


If you take a second to look at an Alaskan Malamute, you’ll see why the breed earned a spot on our list of the worst shedding dogs.

Just like other cold-weather breeds, the Alaskan Malamute has a double coat that they shed in its entirety twice yearly. That means that Malamute owners ought to have a sturdy brush ready, as they’ll be using it daily.

4. Samoyed


Since Samoyeds were also bred for cooler climates, they have a double coat that sheds pretty regularly. In fact, their lovely white fur is sometimes used for knitting, as it’s fairly similar to angora fur.

However, their shedding pattern isn’t really what Samoyeds are famous for. Aside from their amazing white coat, you’d probably know a Samoyed by their Sammie smile!

5. Akita


The Akita breed is most known for their territorial nature. It’s the reason why most dog owners walk a wide circle around them at the dog park.

However, Akitas are also very heavy shedders year-round, though it gets worse a few times a year. While they are pretty low maintenance in general, they also require daily brushing to help regulate their shedding.

6. Siberian Husky


Siberian Huskies are among the worst shedding dogs on the count of their dense winter coat. Like many other breeds that live in cool climates, they tend to shed copiously when they’re in warmer environments.

So, they’re definitely not suited for people with allergies. However, they’re such good working dogs and home pets, that we’re sure no one would mind!

7. American Eskimo


Did you know that the American Eskimo breed is neither American nor Inuit in origin? These dogs are actually part of the Nordic Spitz family, which includes Siberian Huskies, Samoyeds, Akitas, and many other breeds!

So, like all of the Spitz family dogs, American Eskimo dogs also tend to ditch their double coat in its entirety twice yearly. They shed year-round, though, so remember to get a good brush!

8. Pomeranian


Believe it or not, Pomeranians are also part of the Spitz family! Although they are much smaller than some of their cousins, they show their kinship through the features of their coat.

This toy dog breed has a thick and long double coat. In order to offset the constant shedding, Pomeranian owners need to brush their dogs daily and trim their coats every month or two.

9. Keeshond


Similarly to Pomeranians, the Keeshonds have a fluffy double coat which makes shedding inevitable. As always, the best you can do to manage it is to brush it.

Keeshonds also tend to blow their coats twice a year during a 2-week period. Still, since the breed is very obedient and playful overall, they make for excellent family dogs.

10. Shetland Sheepdog


When you say the word “sheepdog” you’re probably picturing a bona fide beast. However, Shetland Sheepdogs are typically between 13 and 16 inches tall.

While they’re adorable and very smart, they’re also famous for being some of the worst shedding dogs. They shed pretty much year-round, so if you’re a proud Sheltie owner, expect to see those long straight hairs everywhere.

11. Great Pyrenees


Everyone knows that the Great Pyrenees are one of the most gentle and affectionate family dogs. They’re also very calm, bordering on lazy, which makes them perfect house companions.

However, if you’re going to keep a Great Pyrenees indoors, you might as well know that they’ll need regular brushings. Their double coats are very thick, so expect to see a lot of flyaway hair during cuddles!

12. Norwegian Elkhound


Norwegian Elkhounds were bred for large game hunting, which means that they’re strong enough to deal with wolves and bears! Still, they make for excellent guard dogs and are very loyal to their owners.

Since they’re originally from a cold environment, they do have a double coat, which makes them heavy shedders. But we couldn’t hold it against them – just look at that friendly face!

13. Leonberger


Leonbergers are a giant dog breed, specifically bred to resemble lions. Like many other huge breeds, they’re actually very kind and patient with people.

So, we’re leaning towards forgiving them for the copious amounts of hair they shed. While they do shed year-round, it’s especially bad in spring and fall, when they blow their coats.

As long as you remember to regularly groom them, you’ll be fine. Fortunately, they love the attention, so you should have no problem in getting them to settle down for a good brush-through.

14. Border Collie


Border Collies are one of the smartest and most obedient dogs, which serves them well when they need to guard sheep. They’re also very lively, energetic, and playful.

These traits don’t translate that well if you plan on keeping a Collie indoors. The ones with long coats also tend to shed year-round, which also makes them less than ideal home pets.

When in doubt, go for a shorter-haired Collie, and spare yourself the cleaning time.

15. Belgian Shepherd


We’re certainly seeing a pattern of finding sheep herding dogs on this list! The Belgian Shepherd breed is no exception.

Although there are various types of coats within the breed, most of them are prone to shedding. The Malinois, Groenendael, and Tervuren varieties are the heaviest shedders of the bunch.

Still, Belgian Shepherds are incredibly intelligent and sensitive on the whole. In fact, they often excel at obedience training and even work as service animals, search and rescue, and even narcotics dogs!

16. Bernese Mountain Dog


Most of us have heard stories of Bernese Mountain dogs saving their owners from dangerous situations. On the whole, they’re very docile dogs indoors, though they need plenty of exercise, too.

Still, if you don’t want to see all that white, black, and brown fur all over your floors, you’ll have to brush them regularly. Usually, you’ll only need to brush them once a week, though you’ll probably see heavier shedding in spring and fall.

17. Labrador Retriever


Labradors are one of the most popular dog breeds around the world. They have a very steady and calm temperament, and many of them even work as service dogs!

Their coat is typically short and dense, which is why they tend to shed quite a bit, especially as the seasons change. But with such a gentle nature, we surely won’t hold it against them!

18. Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers are famous for their friendly nature and their beautiful blonde coat. And like Labradors, they also often work as service dogs.

However, unlike Labradors, their coat is dense and long – so their owners really ought to keep their vacuums ready! Golden Retrievers shed a lot, but particularly in the spring and fall, to prepare for colder and warmer weather.

19. German Shepherd


Similarly to Golden Retrievers and Labradors, German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds on the planet. However, they’re also one of the most controversial.

While they’re known for their protectiveness towards their owners, that also translates into aggressive behavior and even biting of strangers. Still, they are very trainable and often work for the military, and police and fire departments.

Their double coats can be short or long, but both varieties will shed pretty regularly.

20. Cardigan and Pembroke Welsh Corgi


Both of these Welsh Corgi breed varieties are descendants of the Nordic Spitz dogs, though the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a separate breed from the Cardigan.

Still, they both shed extensively, since their double coats were meant to withstand much cooler climates.

21. Rottweiler


Although Rottweilers have a very short coat, they’re also some of the worst shedding dogs. So, while they should be fairly low-maintenance dogs, their double coats make them pretty heavy shedders.

However, you probably know Rottweilers for another reason altogether. Namely, they often work for police as search and rescue or guard dogs.

Additionally, they’ve been represented on film as territorial and aggressive. That couldn’t be farther from the truth – while they may look scary, they’re actually very gentle and obedient dogs.

22. Old English Sheepdog


​This is another one of those breeds you only need to glance at in order to see why their coat may be a problem. The long fluffy coat of Old English Sheepdogs literally falls into their eyes – so how can you keep it off of your floor?

Well, fortunately, you don’t really have to. That is, if you’re grooming your Old English Sheepdog regularly, it will only shed when you’re brushing it.

So, you see, while this breed may be one of the worst shedding dogs, you’ll have the situation well in hand if you brush them regularly.

23. Sussex Spaniel


We’ve chosen to close our list of the worst shedding dogs with one of the most beautiful breeds out there. Above all, the Sussex Spaniel breed is known for their shiny reddish coat – but did you know that they’re also notorious shedders?

Like most Spaniel breeds, Sussex Spaniels have long, thick double coats. As you know, that makes them especially prone to shedding.

Still, since they’re one of the kindest, most enthusiastic breeds out there, how can you not adore them? They’re definitely worth putting up with a carpet full of reddish hairs.

In Summary

As we’ve seen, there are numerous breeds with shedding problems. And, the thing that is the most likely to land them on our list of the worst shedding dogs is a double coat.

Having a double coat means that the breed has evolved to handle cold weather. However, it also means that you’ll need to get a sturdy brush or a grooming glove if you want to bring one of these breeds home with you.

Dogs are our best friends – so why not spend the extra time it takes to brush the extra hair off?

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